It's What You Keep LLC
It's What You Keep
NOW SERVING!!! Raw Goat Milk or Kefir Ice Cream Shakes
This is an American State National owned business. All U.S.Citizens and Federal Employees purchase at your own risk.
8710 Bottle Bay Rd. Sagle Idaho
Please Help Us Conserve Food
My husband and I were always taught the value of food and to waste as little as possible. To this end it is very hard for us to pick garden items just to have them on a shelf for display. We prefer to pick our fresh items at the time of order which gets you the freshest products possible. To help us as much as possible we ask that you place an order via this website prior to arriving at the farm. This saves you time as we can have your items ready when you arrive. You no longer need to pay online to place your order.
With food shortages looming in the very near future, please help us feed as many of our neighbors as possible by ordering ahead.
Thank you
Sandpoint Delivery
We deliver in downtown Sandpoint on Wednesday's at noon at Farmin Park across from the food court.
Other times/locations could be added if enough people get together to place an order.