It's What You Keep LLC

It's What You Keep

This is an American State National owned business. All U.S.Citizens and Federal Employees purchase at your own risk.
New For 2025
More Fresh Cheese Available
We will be creating a fresh cheese/products board both here on the home page, and at the farm stand that will list all fresh cheeses/products currently available for immediate packaging that is in the refridgerator before heading up to the freeze drier.
Less Frozen Cheese
We will no longer be stock piling frozen cheese. We will only make batches of cheese as needed to keep all flavors available. This will insure a fresher product even when frozen.
More Fresh Eats
More ready to eat items at the farm stand like our hand made ice cream bars and shakes.
Sandpoint Delivery
We deliver in downtown Sandpoint on Wednesday's at noon at Farmin Park across from the food court.
Other times/locations could be added if enough people get together to place an order.